Militaria Archive

Reichsarbeitsdienst to Krim Shield

Partly civilian album featuring a man's Reichsarbeitsdienst service and progressing to his time on the Eastern Front. Featuring pre-war snapshots taken surreptitiously in his technical school classroom showing his various teachers and fellow pupils. Also pictures of student entertainment intermixed with more sombre post-war photographs. This man was awarded the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse mit Schwertern, Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942, The Romanian Crusade Against Communism Medal in addition to the Krim shield, (awarded to the 11th Army German and Rumanian forces who had taken part in the long and heavy battles to conquer the Crimean Peninsula between 21-09-1941 and 04-07-1942). References : Krim Shield - Krim Battle
