Militaria Archive

Gendarmerie-Zug (mot) 50 - Motorisierte Gendarmerie - Belarus (Weißrußland) May 1943 - May 1944

Collection of Ordnungspolizei photographs featuring Gendarmerie-Zug (mot) 50. The vehicle licence plates throughout are in the range of 100001-110000 which is designated ‘RFSSuChdDtPol - Motorisierte Gendarmerie’. The time frame of the pictures is May 1943 to May 1944 and locations featured include, Minsk, Kaschino, Witebsk, Tschaussy (Cavusy) – Belarus. This unit is pictured preparing defensive positions and on Anti-Partisan activities such as clearing up after incidents of rail sabotage & train derailments and engaging in punitive actions against Belarussian villages. There are also pictures of civilians engaged at gunpoint clearing blocked roads. Picture of note include of the 1st May 1944 Mayday festival ‘Tribüne zur 1. Maifeier’, Polizei men on a Tiger 1 tank being transported & ‘Der Stadtkommissar Minsk’ & the ‘Generalkommissar für Weissruthenien’ buildings. This unit is among those featured in pages 349-389 in Wolfgang Curilla: Die deutsche Ordnungspolizei und der Holocaust im Baltikum und in Weissrussland’. If you can add information on unit or location please use the email link below.

Gendarmerie-Zug (mot) 50. Belarus (May 1943 - May 1944). 'Minsk Kriegsgefangenen.'